Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Well, I am here to announce that we have another little addition to our family..............Herman. Now I know what you are probably thinking- "Who's Herman?", "Are you pregnant?", "Did you get a pet?", "I thought Kevin was allergic to animals?", "Was that all a lie???", "What's going on?", "Who's Herman?!?"

It's funny how when bad/funny/awkward things happen right away I think "Oooh that will make a great blog post!"
I guess that this is one of those moments ;) So with that much said.......I have an umbilical hernia. Random (I KNOW!) but it's true and I am getting surgery this weekend to fix it. For all you that don't know what a hernia is let me take a moment to enlighten you (because I had no idea what it was and thought it was something only a man deals with.......lol). Wikipedia describes it as this: A hernia is the protrusion[1] of an organ or the fascia of an organ through the wall of the cavity that normally contains it. Another definition: a weakness in the abdominal wall evolves into a localized hole, or "defect", through which adipose tissue, or abdominal organs covered with peritoneum, may protrude. My definition: Basically an alien is inside me and he is trying to come out and it hurts and it's disgusting and his name is Herman.

So that is who Herman is. He is my hernia. Herman the hernia. Sometimes we call him Hermie when he is being good :) I don't think I'll miss him once he is gone even though he's supposedly been around my whole life (the doctor thinks I've always had one, but my pregnancy stretched me out and made that weak spot much larger). So ya....pretty gross if you ask me! Everyone send good thoughts my way please!!! It's outpatient surgery so it really isn't a big deal, but as time gets closer I'm getting a little more nervous. After surgery on my kidney stones and a C-section this should be nothing right?!? Right???

The funny part of the story is that I've got my sister-in-law's dog to thank for discovering what was wrong. Before Christmas I was beginning to realize that this problem probably wasn't a post baby thing like I had originally thought it was and so I was telling my family about it. My sister-in-law breeds puppies and I guess that one of them had the same thing so all of my symptoms sounded familiar to her so she told me what she thought it was. Turns out she was "spot" on......no pun intended.....bahahahaha!!! So thank you Kris and thank you puppy! Wish me luck and bid Herman adieu ;)

Ooh maybe on the bright side I'll have to go to the Pharmacy to fill a prescription....... ;)


  1. I love the last line of your post. It made me laugh out loud:) I'm sorry you have to have surgery though...what a bummer! I wish you luck with Herman :)

  2. Hahaha!I love that you named it Herman! You are too funny. But I still think that is crazy and hope everything goes well. Good luck!! I will drop something off tomorrow for sure :)

  3. Bahaha! Love it, Boo! If you really feel indebted to me, I'll let you watch our next litter when we go out of town sometime. That is, if Nancy doesn't beat you to it first. jk.

  4. You'll do GREAT! But your bikini modeling career will be OVER! he he... maybe?? My sister has a huge scar from her hernia that she had fixed... but that was 20 years ago?? I bet things are less complicated now then they were then.

    Best of luck!

  5. I hope your surgery went well. When you feel up to it we should get together again. It was great to see you the other day.

  6. I've never had surgery of any variety, but I do get the jitters for nearly any and every medical procedure from a pap smear to a vaccination to labor and delivery. I'm sure it will go great. Sending good vibes your way!

  7. That sucks yo. Good luck with that!

  8. hahaha you named your hernia! i love it! well not the fact that you had to get surgery but i should read your blog more consistently so i'm finding things out 2 weeks later ;) i love you!!!!!!

  9. I miss Hermie!!!!! I didn't even get to say goodbye! *sobs* ;)
