Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The good, the bad, and the ugly.....

The Good......

~We all went to the dentist a couple of days ago and we have no cavities! (granted the dentist did tell me that there are no spots on my teeth left for cavities to form because they have already had fillings done but hey.....still no cavities :)

~I'm in Activity Days at my ward and we had our big summer day camp and it was a huge success! It was so much fun. I love these girls ;)

~We have had a ton of showings on our place. Hopefully we will get a repeat person soon....keep your fingers crossed for us!

~Our pool is open and we are having a blast swimming whenever we want to. It really officially feels like summer now.

~The dvd Love Never Dies (the sequel to The Phantom of the Opera) finally came in the mail.....I've been waiting months to get it! I absolutely love the music. It's fun to get obsessed with a new musical.

~I went to the Temple with my dear friend Laura and had such a wonderful time. It had been so long since I had last gone and I really felt the spirit so strongly. I'm so grateful for all the blessings the Temple brings. I signed me and Kevin up to do sealings and I'm so excited! I've never done them before so I can't wait ;)

The Bad......

 ~Though we have had lots of showings we still haven't gotten an offer. It is so exhausting keeping our place spotless everyday and holding  on to the hope that we will get one soon. I know that we are so blessed but I think we checked out mentally too fast and now we are just SO ready to move on and get out of this "limbo"world we are stuck in. It's really hard. If you know anyone that's looking please send them our way :)

~You know in life when you feel like you are in some sort of "funk"and you can't seem to shake it? Well I feel like I've been in one of those for the last few days and no matter how hard I try I can't seem to get rid of it. I have no reason to be unhappy but for some stupid reason I just kind of am. Maybe it's all this sunshine we've been getting.......I need a dark stormy day to cheer me up :)

~My sweet tooth is back.......I am in a bad state right now where all I want is sugar and treats and crap! I'm sorry to say that I have totally succumbed to my cravings and am paying dearly for it. The happiness you get is so short lived and then you are left with a stomach ache, headache, and a mouth full of cavities......oh wait......nope! Hahaha! Still, I think that the stomach ache and headache are enough. I won't even begin to talk about the guilt that comes along with it....bleh.

~Have you ever had a day that is just horrible and one thing after another goes terribly wrong? Well Sam had that day yesterday. It was so sad! It was melt down after melt down so we took him to the store to get a treat to try to cheer him up. He picked out a bag of chips and was so excited and so happy he started running around and then BAM! He ran right smack into the shelf that holds the plastic bags and landed straight on his back. Everyone saw it and felt awful so they gave him a balloon and I gave him some of his chips. He started to calm down in the car but Kevin wanted to take his car thru the car wash......bad idea. Sam literally FLIPPED OUT! He totally lost it. He was screaming bloody murder he was so terrified! We rushed him home after that and put him on our bed with his chips and balloon and turned on Megamind. Once again he started to calm down and then of course.....POP!!!! His balloon got caught in our ceiling fan and exploded. Totally pushed him over the edge....past the point of no return. It was so sad. We just had to put him to bed screaming. Poor little guy!!!

~The Ugly

 ~My feet. Ok let me explain. My feet are so incredibly ugly and I hate it. It's embarrassing! They were always ugly when I was doing ballet 24/7 and for some reason I didn't care, but now they should be beautiful right? WRONG. They are cracked, bleeding, and black and no matter what I do I can't seem to fix any of it. Help! It is so painful to just walk! Every night I put on ugly socks and pump them full of lotion to try to help and every morning I stand up to no prevail! Arrrrgggggh! Curse my hideous feet!!! (I almost took a picture to prove how bad they really are, but I just couldn't expose the world to such awfulness.........)

~Yesterday I got a nose bleed (I would say a bloody nose, but I don't want to offend any of my British readers out there) It was disgusting! I don't think I've had one since I was in Elementary school so naturally I couldn't remember how you get them to stop. I wish I had a video of me trying all the different techniques. I went from stuffing my nose with toilet paper to laying flat on my back to blowing my nose to pinching my nose tightly and leaning forward, all the while blood is oozing out everywhere.........I think at one point I sneezed.......I'm pretty sure it doesn't get much prettier then that ;)

~And lastly, I was at Savers the other day and ran into this old friend of mine........................

I honestly don't think the world could come up with an uglier toy then you??? Ya I didn't think so.





  1. Oh, sad day for Sam. I couldn't help laughing a bit because just like you said, we all have had days like that.

    Good luck with your feet. I can totally relate, but not because of ballet--I have one broken foot in a cast and the other needs surgery for what I thought only old people get . . . bunions. :(

  2. Bag balm... seriously try it instead of lotion. (It's made for cows with sore udders, but they sell it in grocery stores and such because it really works so well... square green tin can for really cheap too).

  3. Thanks for saying nose bleed...but I'm still offended that you said bloody murder. Hehehe.

    1. Aaaaaahahahahahahahahaha! Oh this totally just made me burst out laughing!!!

  4. Lol. Furby at the end made me giggle.
    Sorry you've been having a string of rough days! I completely agree with you that a storm would make everything so much better! I prefer cloudy days, which is why I should totally live in the northwest!
    As for poor little Sam's bad day, I feel for the little guy! My kids have had what I call "Alexander" days too. At the end of them I read them the Alexander book :)
    And last but not least - so super jealous of your Love Never Dies DVD. I think I see a movie night in the future..... just sayin.....

    1. Heck yes! Anytime! I think Lauren really wants to see it too......girls night!!!!!

  5. Let's play more so there are no more bad days :) And if you want to see some really ugly feet- come look at my hugely swollen pregnant ones!! It's ridiculous. I think my feet are bigger than my tummy :)
