Monday, March 5, 2012


The time has come! We are selling our home and we are so excited! We need your help so if you or anyone you know is interested then come check out some pictures and info here......

If you have any questions contact John at 801-631-4623

 Wish us luck as we start this new chapter in our lives.....I have to keep telling myself that it is not about the destination, but about the journey. It's funny how things happen in your life and how they put everything into perspective. I recently was contacted and it looks like I have a high chance of being a match for a bone marrow transplant. Ever since I got that call it is all I can think about. I hope with all my heart that I am healthy enough and fit the profile to to be this person's donor. I've been so stressed and frustrated with stupid stuff like cleaning and making our place look beautiful that I haven't been able to appreciate how lucky I am and how great my life truly is. I am so grateful that I am healthy and that I have my sweet Sam and Kevin. Sometimes it's really hard to see through the gloom and sadness that goes on all around us, but I know that if we hold strong and have hope we will be able to pass any storm we come to face. Well, that is all for now. We will be sure to keep you updated on how things go.......until then, happy blogging!


  1. Beckee... the bone marrow transplant update is so interesting! Wow... I'm curious to see how that turns out. I wondered how you get on that registry. I had sort of looked into it a while ago, but thought it was like a $60 fee or something. Is that what you did or did you go through some other way?

    Best of luck with Georgetown! I'm sure it will all work out. :)

    1. When Uncle Randy was going through everything they had a night at their church where anyone could come and donate for him. That was back in 2006 before I was married and so I guess they still had me on the registry. I'm so glad....really hope it works out :)

  2. Seriously SO cool. I hope it works out too! That would be a totally neat experience ;)

    And crossing my fingers for the home... someone MUST see the magic in that place and want to live there!

    1. Thanks Morgs! I hope so too....we feel really good about everything so we will see!

  3. How awesome are you?? Seriously, you are one of the best people I know. Love you! Let's play soon!
